Sunday, November 7, 2010

Daylight Savings Time

If only Benjamin Franklin knew how much time I needed to save to actually make it worthwhile.

Ah, but the discussion of homework and the daily routine would bore (literally) the very kidneys out of your torso, dear Reader, and fund my college years through black markets in Guatemala.

The apartment was cleaned up by me this weekend. Surprisingly only 4 stacked beer cans have accumulated since Friday. Congratulations 127.

We watched Pokemon for 7 hours straight today = 4 movies and 3 episodes. I havn't felt so settled in a long time. Our newly opened living room floor (thanks to no Rape Cushion until we acquire our house) allowed me to sprawl out for the afternoon, and lounge. Deformable body mechanics, oven-baked pizza, and inane, repetitive Pokemon movies.

It only could have been better with you on the floor, too.

There's this drink called "Super Chill." It's like the Cub brand of Dr. Pepper. Yes, dear Reader, DP is the highborn of pops, the principal Pop, the superb soda - but, but, but, dear Reader, Super Chill is cheaper (store brand), and it has this funky sugar in it. It's aight.

Thank ******'s deity that this posting utility has an undo button - I accidentally just deleted all of the previous writings and frEAKKED. I probably just would've not posted anything at all if I had to rewrite it.

Truth, dear Reader, truth. Don't do anything twice over unless it's a scientific experiment.
Or sex.

There are currently 5 darts stuck on our living room clock. We like to target practice on it. Ever since our latest target practice today, the clock doesn't run anymore. Oops. I suppose we therefore just saved all the time we would ever need.

No thanks to you Benjamin.

But thanks for your Almanack.

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