Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Hoo haa heeeyyy

Can you feel it can you feel it? It's in the air breathing.
Just walk down the halls. It will greet you in the end.
But do not pretend to know the road.  For it is swollen in glitches. Do not forget to pass through the second door to reach teh stairs. At the top the very fabric of the clothing will change, and you will be able to swim in the violet grasslands beneeath. Oh do not fear the aura, olivia, you have plenty of time to do it. It cycles at .991 of a bbpm, so do not fret. He comes to train. Hop on! whoooooooooooooooooooooshssssss .sssssss. in the depths of the sea. It awaits. Great pillars of green frown upon the very remains of the floor. The gloom.. was dark. The shadows reigned triumphant, but frail torches of the guards led them astray. Into the bounty of the ship we go.

Do not tread softly. Do not. The fish of this realm demand strength, stampededing! They need earthquakes to shatter their eggs apart and for them to grow. STAMMPEDE.

And they left. Into darkness, the brickyard turmoil of the untermill took over. With little eysigt, the sharkweasel could not sustain a fiull sprint - or whatever it does. Do not avoid the phantomsof purple! Do not take the aura of the truth graham! Take the lantern of heat. It will burn our enemies, and give you baby cats, also known as kittens. Oh kittens are cute!

Into the abyss they traveled. The circles bends, sweeps, traverses, and even a dead end. Do not be frightened of the strength chaos and inner self disentification, this cave is not a tomb. It is a dance floor. And the lights shattered the cliff dwellings, and the illuminated dancefloor cam ineo tbeing.

The chanedelair was marvelous. Its very innards held the suns power and marvel. You could not evefathom of how he moved, until you saw the serving roller cskate girl from the 40s come up, take the globe, and begin skating into the ack alley. Oh no, the fun part is done!

Down into the skies we pummited.
"You just had to take the dangerous way home, didn't you philip
"Do not take the kentucky fried chicken! Oh mm im  so hungry. Maybe this post bneeds to be delayed for a bit.


Cook etime

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